that was fleeting.

Art, Photography

Jason Evan’s Artist Website Here.
Read the essay  Online Photographic Thinking written by Jason Evans Here. Jason_Evans_252
Jason Evans, Untitled 

Jason_Evans_161Jason Evans, Untitled 

Jason_Evans_272Jason Evans, Untitled 

Jason_Evans_676Jason Evans, Untitled 

Jason_Evans_331Jason Evans, Untitled 

Jason_Evans_243Jason Evans, Untitled 

Jason Evans, Untitled

Jason Evans has another website, which shows one photograph at a time for a span of 24 hours. After the photograph has been shown on the website, it is gone – never to be seen again. I love how Evans takes a photograph, something that literally represents an exact moment in time and makes the very materiality of the image, ephemeral as well.

20130522Jason Evans, Untitled. Photograph for The Daily Nice, May 21, 2013.

Check out TheDailyNice.Com everyday to see a happy moment.